Supporting the Dreams of Future Leaders.

Undivided Courage supports young adults who are experiencing housing and life instability in Philadelphia.

Undivided Courage was founded to provide a home, support, stability, and compassion to young adults aged 18 to 24. We address the social, psychological, medical, and housing needs of young adults and their families.

Over 8,000 children and youths are experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia. Those numbers will not change unless we do something to impact the trajectory of these young adults lives.

Our goal is to remove barriers for teenagers and young adults so they can live into their potential and contribute to the larger community with their talents, gifts, and leadership.

On a mission to create leaders

Our Why

  • Youths experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia and nationally are often undercounted. Many don’t seek services which can make it hard to get an accurate number. During the 2019 – 2020 school year the Pennsylvania Department of Education reported over 8,000 children and youths experiencing homelessness. The real number is considered to be a lot higher. Nationally public schools identified that number to be over 1.2 million.

  • Undivided Courage knows that catching young adults when they first experience homelessness is critical. A stable home with services such as: employment services; financial counseling; medical care; educational services; nutrition counseling; mental health support; and life skills instruction can empower young adults to take control of their lives. These young adults in turn can change the lives of those around them and those of future generations.

  • Family-centered support and services, like that offered by Undivided Courage at the James Charles Home can reduce family conflict, address behavioral issues, and reduce the risk factors that might lead a young adult to experience homelessness repeatedly. The continuum of care that Undivided Courage offers can give the young adults a base of skills to begin the next chapter of their lives.

It only takes one caring adult to make a life-long positive impact on a young person’s future. Learn how you can get involved and make a difference in someone’s life today.

Join Us!

The James Charles House

Undivided Courage is committed to growing affordable housing and social supports for young adults living in Philadelphia. We are building 40 apartments with support because the number of young adults experiencing homelessness grows every year.

We provide resources and services to ensure a more equitable future for our children. We offer educational supports, housing services, employment services, case management, and meet these young adults where they are.